Special Events

  • 2/20 HIV+ Youth Speaker Tour

    Based on the Youth Stop AIDS Speaker Tour in the UK that has been running for over 15 years, four people will share their stories and experiences with HIV, why they have taken up the fight against HIV, and why we need more people on the front lines to battle all the factors that impact the raging HIV and AIDS pandemics. 

    ​While we are at the tipping point to create an AIDS-free generation, we need activists now more than ever to join the generation who want to end AIDS for good. 

    How can we advocate for the health and human rights of people with HIV worldwide? How do we bring other people into this campaign with us? Why now? 

    ​T​hese speakers are ​c​oming from South Africa, UK, US, and Democratic Republic of Congo, 
    ​and are ​excited to share their story and their passion for social justic​e with us, as well as build up our global movement to end AIDS.
    Check out the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/190859484845133/
    For more information, contact: Margaux at margaux.amara@uconn.edu