Volunteer Opportunities

  • Interested Working with Adults with Disabilities?

    Are you interested in working with adults with developmental/intellectual disabilities or other special needs?

    Campus Connections partners with Camp Horizons in Windham CT. Our UConn participants volunteer during Horizon's weekends in the country program. We essentially serve as a helping hand to the professional staff, participate in a variety of activities, and socialize with the campers. 

    No prior experience working with this population is needed!

    Some examples of activities we have helped with in the past include: tie dye socks, carrving/painting pumpkins, making dirt pudding, playing ultimate frisbee, and making cement flower pots.

    We commit to five Saturday mornings a semester from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm: 2/17, 3/3, 3/24, 4/7, 4/21. All transportation is provided to us by Community Outreach!

    For more information, contact: Georgi Sirko at uconn.co.campconn@gmail.com