Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer with SOS Food Recovery this Semester

    Volunteer with Food Recovery in Community Outreach!

    We donate and deliver UConn Cafe food from Bookworms Cafe to the Covenant Soup Kitchen of Willimantic, Mondays-Fridays, in order to reduce food insecurity and food waste.

    Volunteer shifts are in the mornings between 7am-12pm.  Volunteer shifts are two hours long, and the time you volunteer depends on your personal schedule.  Volunteering is a WEEKLY commitment!  Transportation is also provided.


    Application is LIVE and due February 8th at 11:59pm

    To start an Application, Click this link!: https://uconntact.uconn.edu/submitter/form/start/109311

    For more information, contact: Abigail Fudge at uconn.co.foodrecovery@gmail.com