
  • Research Study on Routine Noise Exposure

    We are studying the hearing characteristics of people who are routinely exposed to loud noise or music.

    You may be eligible to participate if you have less than 5 years of musical training and you routinely (at least weekly):

    • Work around loud noise (e.g., works with noisy tools, works at a loud bar, etc.)
    • Participate in or attends activities at loud venues (e.g., sporting stadiums, concert venues, bars, etc.)
    • Shoot guns (e.g., regular target practice)
    • Participate in any other loud activities

    The research study will take place in the Philips Communication Sciences Building or on the University of Connecticut-Storrs campus. Participation will take about 1-2 hours.

    Anyone above the age of 18 is eligible to participate. You will receive a free hearing evaluation and will be paid $10/hr.

    You may also be eligible to participate in a follow-up study that would involve wearing a small device that measures your exposure to music/noise across daily listening activities. For this follow-up study, you could get paid $100/week.

    The research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Tufts, Dr. Christine Hare and Dr. Erika Skoe of the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences Department.

    If you think you may qualify and would like to participate, contact us at

    For more information, contact: at 860-486-3685