On Campus Job Opportunities

  • $500 Stipend f/Android Studio Programming Position

    Are you interested in pursuing an opportunity to benefit patient care? Do you want to earn a $500 stipend while assisting graduate student research?

    I am looking for up to two students to help my team transform an existing tablet application into Android Studio.

    Your responsibilities will be as follow:
    - Transform LabVIEW code into code on Android Studio
    - Report weekly updates on progress of your report to the team
    - Complete project by February 28th

    - Extensive experience in coding on Android Studios/related platform
    - LabVIEW Programming expertise highly preferred

    - Work dates: January 19-February 28
    - Stipend: $500 per student

    If interested please fill out attached survey. Preference may be given to early respondents.


    Survey Link



    For more information, contact: Thomas Cotton/BME at thomas.cotton@uconn.edu