
  • Interested in ASMR? Seeking Survey Participants

    Do you experience the “tingling sensation” known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR)?
    Or are you interested in learning more about it?

     “ASMR” is the term used to describe a pleasant tingling sensation in response to particular triggers.  We are seeking adults, 18 and over, to participate in research looking at how ASMR relates to different aspects of mindfulness. You can participate even if you don’t have ASMR or are not sure whether you do or not. 

    • Your participation would entail completing a one-time 20-minute questionnaire about your daily inner experience (mindfulness) and your ASMR experiences and triggers (if any). 
    • From taking the survey, you can learn information about how your responses in different aspects of mindfulness compared to others.  You will have the opportunity to receive information about the results of the study when they are available.
    • You can learn more following this link to access the information page of the on-line survey: ASMR and Mindfulness. The survey will remain open until enough responses have been collected.

      This study has been approved by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board; Protocol X17-149.

    For more information, contact: Marisa del Campo (EPSY doctoral student) at