Cultural Center Events

  • 11/30 PCUCTalks: United States Foreign Policy

    The Pakistani Community at UConn would like to invite you to our second social justice event in the #PCUCTalks series. 

    This event will feature Dr. Hassan Abbas, a Professor of International Security Studies and Chair of the Department of Regional and Analytical Studies at National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs (CISA). He serves as a Carnegie Fellow at New America. He is also currently a Senior Advisor at Asia Society. He remained a Senior Advisor at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2009 - 2011), after having been a Research Fellow at the Center from 2005-2009. He was the Distinguished Quaid-i-Azam Chair Professor at Columbia University before joining CISA. 

    He regularly appears as an analyst on media including CNN, ABC, BBC, C-Span, Al Jazeera and GEO TV (Pakistan). His opinion pieces and research articles have been published in various leading international newspapers and academic publications. His latest book titled The Taliban Revival: Violence and Extremism on the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier (Yale University Press, 2014) was profiled on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in August 2014. Abbas’ earlier well acclaimed book Pakistan's Drift into Extremism: Allah, the Army and America's War on Terror (M E Sharpe, 2004) remains on bestseller lists in Pakistan and India. He also runs WATANDOST, a blog on Pakistan and its neighbors' related affairs. His other publications include an Asia Society report titled Stabilizing Pakistan Through Police Reform (2012) and Pakistan 2020: A Vision for Building a Better Future (Asia Society, 2011).

    The event will take place on Thursday,November 30, 2017 at 7:00PM at the Dodd Reserach Center. 

    Join us as we delve into the issues surrounding US foreign policy.

    *This is an honors event* 

    If you have any questions you can reach us at...
    Facebook: PCUC - The Pakistani Community at UCONN
    President Abiha Jafri: (203) 554-9360
    Vice President Shayan Hassan: (860) 713-4105
    Twitter: @UConnPCUC
    Instagram: @UConnPCUC

    For more information, contact: Abiha Jafri at 203-554-9360