Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/13 No Lost Generation at UConn

    If you want to learn about the current refugee crisis and how you can assist affected individuals across the world, consider joining No Lost Generation at UConn! We are the UConn chapter of the national initiative, with the goal of combatting the refugee crisis and that “lost generation” of refugee children without access to education or other resources. We aim to do this through advocacy work and awareness raising in our community, fundraising and in-kind support for the refugee population in Connecticut.


    If you are interested in joining NLG-UConn, we have meetings every other Monday, with our next meeting on 11/13, from 4-5pm. You can find us on Facebook at, and sign up for our email list to keep updated on events, meeting location and campaigns!

    For additional information or questions, please email Hannah Bissonnette at: .

    For more information, contact: Hannah Bissonnette at