School, Program, and Course Information

  • The Short Story : Intersession Course

    Are you one course behind towards graduation?


    Do you need three credits toward your degree?


    Do you need to satisfy your literature content area requirement?


    Do you like stories?




    (ENGLISH 2407)


    Professor Dwight Codr


    In this course, we will read some of the best short stories ever written and you will develop your ability to understand, analyze, and even compose your own short stories. We will read the classics – by Poe, Hawthorne, O’Connor, Hemingway, and others – as well as more recent stories that push us to think about some controversies and crises that surround us today. You will discover what makes a story work, and the way that language actively shapes the way we think about people, places, events, and things. Options for final projects include critical essays, creative writing, or, for students with an interest in education, the construction of mock syllabi or assignment sequences.




    The eyes of the axolotls spoke to me of the presence of a different life, of another way of seeing.

    —Julio Cortázar—

    For more information, contact: Dwight Codr at