Special Events

  • 11/6 Hunger Banquet: Learn about Poverty & Hunger

    *counts as Sophomore Honors Credit*

    When? November 6th from 6pm to 8pm in SU 330 (Student Union Ballroom).

    Join us for Community Outreach's annual Hunger Banquet! During this event, students will be participating in an interactive simulation on hunger. Student's will be randomly placed into social classes: upper, middle, and lower. They will then receive a meal based on their assigned class standing. The place where you sit and the meal that you eat will be determined by the luck of the draw just like in real life as some of us are born into prosperity and others into poverty. The Hunger Banquet is to show students the imbalance of food distribution in communities near and far. Come to this event to further your understanding of hunger and poverty.

    If you will be attending, please register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eepokieqa0cb1cf6&oseq=&c=&ch=    

    Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1808347722739201/

    For more information, contact: Brittany and Priyanka at uconn.co.initiatives@gmail.com