Cultural Center Events

  • Would You Share Your Story? A "Mixed" Program

    A new program out of the Asian American (AsACC) and Puerto Rican Latin American (PRLACC) Cultural Centers for UConn students of multi-racial and ethnic identities has formed called “Mixed.”  This program hopes to create a community of like-minded individuals and provide a forum to discuss and share their experiences.

    If you are of a multi-race, multi-ethnic heritage, Mixed is wondering if you would be interested in developing a monologue about your unique experience during this fall semester.  Mixed then hopes to join these stories together and create a theatre piece, to be performed during the Spring 2018 semester.

    There will be opportunities to work with someone who can help you develop and write your story, and then work with theatre personnel to bring your story alive on stage.

    For more information, or to sign on to this project, please contact:

    Please respond by October 13th.

    For more information, contact: AsACC at