
  • 9/26 Social Sciences and Humanities: Exploring Research

    Are you a student in the social sciences or humanities who wants to know more about getting started in research?

    Come to a workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, 5-6 pm in Laurel 201

    The workshop will suggest ways in which you can:

    • explore your interests

    • define a focus for a research project

    • identify appropriate theoretical and methods courses that will help prepare you

    • find faculty mentors, and

    • put together a successful research proposal

    The Office of Undergraduate Research and the University Scholar Program are eager to promote research projects in the social sciences and humanities and to support students wishing to prepare proposals for OUR grants and the University Scholar Program.

    First year students and sophomores are especially welcome!  Early exploration + preparation = strong proposal

    For more information, contact: Monica van Beusekom at