Arts and Entertainment

  • 9/24 Benton: Swan Lake and the Benton

    Tour of Swan Lake with Professor Robert Thorson

    Sunday, September 24, 2017
    3:00pm – 5:00pm  (3pm tour, 4pm reception (Cash Bar) Museum members receive a free drink)
    Storrs Campus
    Meet at the front desk of the museum.

    Tour Swan Lake and view the exhibition "Unfiltered" at the Benton Museum with Robert Thorson, Professor of Geosciences at UConn. His main interests are in glacial geology, limnology, human impact, New England, and writing that evokes a sense of place.

    Walk around the lake for different viewpoints and discussion of the use/abuse of surface and ground water resources.

    Wear comfortable shoes to walk in the grass.

    Swan Lake tour will be followed by a cocktail reception at the Benton Museum and viewing of the exhibition "Unfiltered".

    Email "RSVP Thorson Tour" by September 20 to or call 860-486-4520 if you are interested in attending. Limited to 30 people.

    This event is co-sponsored by Joshua's Tract Conservation and Historic Trust.

    University of Connecticut
    School of Fine Arts
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT

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    For more information, contact: The Benton Museum at 860-486-4520