Cultural Center Events

  • Cultural Centers and Homecoming Participation

    Fellow Huskies:

    I’d like to take this opportunity to clarify the misunderstanding that has occurred related to conversations held last spring within the Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) regarding homecoming.

    The UConn Cultural Centers are in no way prevented from participating in homecoming -- not this year, nor in the future. The University remains committed to the Cultural Centers and to efforts by groups and individuals throughout the university who embrace inclusivity while also demonstrating cultural pride.

    Unfortunately, conversations held in ODI last spring were misconstrued as a “directive” to create a new policy regarding Cultural Center participation in homecoming, when in fact, no formal policy or decision was made. Students in the Cultural Centers remain free to continue participating in homecoming as they have in the past. Additionally, students should use the name of a Cultural Center in their team name if they feel it is critical to their successful participation.

    Our goal is and always has been inclusion and equity; ensuring that all students -- whether affiliated with the centers or not -- have the ability to be involved in whatever homecoming activities they so choose, have access to the resources which enable them to fully and equitably participate, and are empowered to lead through their participation in homecoming.

    We look forward to this year’s homecoming and the excitement that it brings. We are grateful for the energy and dialogue that this issue has generated, and look forward to moving ahead collaboratively.


    Joelle Murchison

    Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer

    For more information, contact: Office for Diversity and Inclusion at