Special Events

  • 9/15 MIS Case Competition Kickoff Meeting

    The annual MIS Case Competition will be holding its 2017 Kickoff Meeting on Friday September 15th. The meeting will take place in room 116 of the School of Business, the Business School Lounge, from 1-2:30pm. If you are interested at least one person per team must attend this meeting.

    Sponsored by the OPIM Department and coordinated by the Information Management Association, the competition is based on business cases focused in Management Information Systems. All School of Business students are eligible to participate and form groups of four students. Students will work on real business cases, prepare a case solution presentation, and present their solution to a panel of judges.

    Scholarship awards will be presented to the top three teams, first place will be awarded $500 per person, second place $250 per person, and third place $125 per person. Every participant of the case competition is given the opportunity to test their skills in this real-life scenario to help prepare them for future business endeavors.


    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at 860-486-0660