Volunteer Opportunities

  • Winter Service Trip to the Dominican Republic

    Are you a concerned global citizen? Do you want to get to know a community other than your own on a personal level? Do you love community service? If these are true for you, apply for UConn Empower's international service trip to the Dominican Republic! We will be living and working in the community El Cidral for 10 days this January. Service will include whatever will suit the needs of the community such as levee construction, work on schools, and health-focused service.

    UConn Empower is a student group helping to bring about long-term change by empowering the underprivileged through education and health care. We hope to provide an open forum for students to discuss developmental issues in third world countries and how they should be addressed.

    The application can be found here: https://goo.gl/forms/2b76fH69Jnv0BKY43


    For more information, contact: Jessica Leach at uconn.empower@gmail.com