Volunteer Opportunities

  • Alternative Break Weekend in New York City

    Interested in a health-related, weekend-long immersive community service trip in New York City serving populations disproportionately afftected by HIV/AIDS? Apply for the HIV/AIDS Advocacy and Awareness in New York City Alternative Break!
    During this weekend long alternative break, participants will be staying at a church in the Lower East Side of Manhattan and will be working with agencies that focus on supporting people affected by HIV/AIDS. In the past we have assisted with reducing harm for risky behaviors that can lead to HIV, and created safe sex kits for outreach workers. The group will meet for four times prior to the trip weekend and will meet once or twice after.
    The trip dates are November 3rd-5th 2017!
    The application deadline for the Fall 2017 Weekend trip is September 20th 2017 at noon (12:00PM)! 
    Apply or look for more information below:


    For more information, contact: Eric Beltrami at uconn.co.newyork@gmail.com