Special Events

  • Constitution Day Events

    Constitution Day at UConn 

    Please mark the date!This year the Office of Public Engagement will be hosting Constitution Day which will focus on the 1967 landmark civil rights Supreme Court decision of Loving v. the State of Virginia which invalidated laws prohibiting interracial marriage. The program will focus on racial and marriage equality and will be a two part event.

    • Monday Sept. 18, 2017  Student Union Theater 7 pm– The movie “Loving” will be shown. This Oscar nominated movie depicts the landmark legal battle of Loving v. The State of Virginia.
    • Tuesday Sept. 19, 2017 Wilbur Cross – South Reading Room  12:30 pm -2pm. A poster presentation by students from Political Science class 3837: Civil Rights and Legal Mobilization will occur followed by a discussion led by Susan Schmeiser, Ph.D, J.D. focusing on Loving v. Virginia: At the Heart of Racial and Marriage Equality. Dr. Schmeiser is a faculty member of the UConn School of Law.

    Please click HERE for Further information or email engagement@uconn.edu.

    For more information, contact: Office of Public Engagment at engagement@uconn.edu