
  • 4/21 Exploring IoT with Splunk Workshop - Register Now

    Greetings Students,

    Exciting news! The OPIM department is happy to announce a great opportunity for students that may be interested in learning about exploring the Internet of Things using the Splunk Analytics platform. We are offering a workshop this Friday, April 21st from 1:00PM - 2:30PM. All workshops will be held in the OPIM Research Lab, BUSN 391 and food and refreshments will be made available. 

    The discussion will include an overview of the concept of Internet of Things, Splunk and the use of Splunk in the future development of IOT applications. While a prior understanding of the fundamentals of these two concepts can be helpful, it is not required for participation in this workshop. There are only 20 spots available so please register now. Check out the other workshops we are offering this spring and sign up ahead of time to secure a spot. 



    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at