Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/19 From Measurement/Methodology to Administration

    From Measurement/Methodology to Administration

    Jennifer Randall


    April 19

    4 p.m.

    Gentry 140


    Dr. Jennifer Randall is an Associate Professor of Education and interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She earned her Ph.D. in Education from Emory University (Atlanta, GA) in 2007, and her B.A. in psychology and history (1996) and M.A.T. (1999) from Duke University. Prior to her graduate studies, Jennifer taught pre-school and high school social studies for several years. Her research interests primarily reflect the measurement issues and concerns she encountered as a classroom teacher which include the grading practices/philosophies of teachers, the validity and practicality of test accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners, and rater accuracy. Currently, she teaches courses in research design, scale development, statistics, and classroom assessment.  Dr. Randall is an active member, and has presented her work at the annual meetings, of several regional and national professional organizations including the American Educational Research Association, the National Council of Measurement in Education (2015 conference co-chair),  and the Northeastern Educational Research Association (2013 conference co-chair). Her work has been published in several academic journals including Applied Measurement in EducationJournal of Educational Measurement (currently Associate Editor), Journal of Educational ResearchTeaching and Teacher Education, and Journal of Special Education.  To date, she has managed over $1 million in grants contracts providing statistical and evaluative services for agencies including the College Board, International Rescue Committee, and Pearson Educational Measurement. 

    For more information, contact: Prof. Betsy McCoach/MEA-Neag at