Volunteer Opportunities

  • 4/13 National Issues Forum Moderator Training

    In partnership with the Humanities Institute and Connecticut Campus Compact, the Dodd Center is hosting a NIF Moderator Training designed to introduce participants to the concepts, skills, and issues associated with moderating and recording NIF-style public deliberations.


    You will also have the opportunity to apply your new skills at a forum hosted at UConn for E.O. Smith High School students on Monday, April 17th from 8:30am-10:30am.  The forum will consider the issues of food justice and security, making use of the brand new NIF Guide:Land of Plenty: How Should We Ensure that People Have the Food They Need?


    So please volunteer yourself and encourage others who may be interested in doing so!!! Let us all make a difference regarding an issue that inevitably affects us all domestically, and others globally.

    -"Hunger is not an issue of charity. It is an issue of Justice" Jacques Diouf
    For more information, contact: Glenn Mitoma at glenn.mitoma@uconn.edu