Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/22 Register for Chem Undergraduate Research Symposium


    The Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society is hosting a research symposium featuring:

    • Keynote Lecture on: Geochemistry of Perturbations in the Global Carbon Cycle by Dr. Michael Hren
    • Student talks from nearby schools such as UMass Amherst, Trinity College, Hampshire College, Smith College, Mount Holyoke College and more
    • A chance to compete for best student talk
    • Poster session with presenters research at nearby schools
    • Countless networking opportunities
    • Information about graduate school
    • Lunch and coffee

    This FREE event is on April 22, 2017 from 8am - 3pm in Laurel Hall

          Registration ends April 14th at 5pm

    For more information: 

    To register to attend and/or submit an abstract for a poster or talk:

    Want to volunteer? email:

    For more information, contact: Mark Peczuh at