Career, Internship & Fellowship

  • 4/17 Pre-Med/Dent Wrkshp Selecting Schools to Apply to

    Dr. Keat Sanford from the UConn Pre-Med/Dental Center will be leading our fourth (and most likely final) workshop of the semester, “Selecting Schools to Apply to,” on Monday, April 17th. Please note that we will offer two sessions of the same workshop on the same day:

    1.       2-3 pm in LH 102

    2.       5-6 pm in TLS 111

    In addition, we are planning to record the 2 pm session and upload it to our website.

    These workshops are intended for juniors or anyone who is about to embark on the health professional schools application process this summer, though all are welcome. Please plan to attend one of the sessions if you would like to hear Dr. Sanford discuss important factors you should take into account when choosing schools to apply to, including school reputation, class size, and location, as well as slightly more complex considerations such as curriculum type, financial aid, clinical exposure, and residency match. Questions will be welcomed.

    We hope to see you there!

    For more information, contact: Pre-Med/Dental Center at