Student Organization Events & Information

  • Accepting Submissions for the Virtual STEM Expo

    The STEM Scholars and Honors in STEM are seeking video submissions from individuals and student organizations in order to be included in a video package sent to high schools in the area. The purpose of this video is to highlight STEM at UConn and generate interest and excitement among local students.

    Videos will be accepted between April 4th and April 21st. The videos must be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes long, and they may showcase a specific project that an individual has worked on, or they may include footage that your club uses to attract new members. All that we ask is that you state your name or your organization's name at the beginning of the video, and submit it through Google Drive to

    As an incentive, the sharers of first 10 videos we receive starting on April 4th will receive a $10 Amazon gift card! We hope that you will seriously consdider this opportunity to make a positive impact on the areas around UConn. We are looking forward to receiving your submissions!

    For more information, contact: STEM Scholars at