Arts and Entertainment

  • 3/22 Kimiko Hahn Poetry Reading

    Poet Kimiko Hahn to Read at the University of Connecticut

    The University of Connecticut’s Creative Writing Program is pleased to announce that Kimiko Hahn will read from her poetry as part of the Aetna Writer-in-Residence program at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday March 22, 2017, at the UConn Bookstore in Storrs Center.

    Hahn is the author of ten poetry collections, Air Pocket, Earshot, The Unbearable Heart, Volatile, Mosquito and Ant, The Artist’s Daughter, The Narrow Road to the Interior, “A Field Guide to the Intractable: Zuihitsu,” Toxic Flora, and Brain Fever. The Boston Review writes that the poems in her newest addition, Brain Fever (2014), “glow with concentrated energy…. [Exhibiting a] ‘gemlike quality.’” Hahn’s poems, whether they function as response to science articles in the New York Times or myths about the Greek gods, ask big questions: “How do we avoid fixation on particular memories? How do we conceive of home, independent of place? If time is marked by a series of remembered events, is their ordering necessarily fixed?” Her style takes part and parcel from canonical American poets, feminist works, and traditional Japanese forms.

    Hahn, born in Mt. Kisco, New York, received her B.A. in English and East Asian Studies from Iowa University and her M.A in Japanese Literature from Columbia University. She currently teaches as a distinguished professor at Queens College, CUNY. Before being granted the 2010 Guggenheim Fellowship, she was awarded the 2008 American Book Award, the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize, and other accolades such as the Shelley Memorial Award, 2008 PEN/Voelchker Award for Poetry, and a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. Her work has been published in the New Yorker and the Kenyon Review among other magazines.

    The reading, sponsored by the Aetna Chair of Writing and co-sponsored by the Creative Writing Program, the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute, and the UConn Bookstore is free and open to the public. The UConn Bookstore at Storrs Center is located off-campus in downtown Storrs at 1 Royce Circle. For more information, please visit the Bookstore’s webpage at or the Creative Writing Program’s website at


    For more information, contact: Jameson Croteau at