Academic and Scholarly Events

  • List of Quantitative Methodology Courses Available

    Dear Graduate Students, 

    As the Biostatistics and Methodology Core at InCHIP goal is to provide members of the UConn community with the networks and tools necessary to succeed in the statistics aspects of their research, listening and working closely with them, in response to requests from researchers and graduate students, the InCHIP Biostatistics Core has posted a list of quantitative methodology and statistics courses on its webpage. The list online provides the course title, description, software packages used, and other notes about the course. 

    You can find the list by visiting the Core webpage here, and clicking on the “Resources for Students” tab. We will strive to keep this information up-to-date, so that anyone interested in taking quantitative courses can find a comprehensive overview of their options in one place.


    Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about the list, or if you have any suggestions for courses that could be added.




    Tania B. Huedo-Medina, PhD

    Director of Biostatistics and Methodology Core,

    Institute for Collaboration, Health, Intervention, and Policy,

    Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

    Department of Allied Health Sciences,

    Statistics Department,

    University of Connecticut

    358 Mansfield Road, U-1101

    Office Hawley 205

    Storrs, CT 06269-1101

    Phone: (860) 486-0105


    For more information, contact: Eva Li at