On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Summer Employment at Spring Valley Student Farm

    • Do you enjoy strenuous outdoor physical activity combined with thoughtful practical application of scientific principals?
    • Are you looking for a rewarding and meaningful summer job that will lead to positive life changes for you and social, economic and environmental sustainability for the world?

    Then UConn Spring Valley Student Farm (SVSF) is the place for you this summer!

    • Discover how you can make a difference by learning and practicing organic food production that mitigates climate change and builds equitable food systems.

    Spring Valley Student Farm, located 4.5 miles off the Storrs campus, is now accepting applications for summer 2017 employment. The paid summer student farmer position is open to all UConn undergraduate students.

    Application and information about SVSF is available at http://dining.uconn.edu/spring-valley-farm/  

    Deadline to apply is March 6, 2017.

    Questions? Contact Jessica.Larkin-Wells@uconn.edu






    For more information, contact: Jim Kupchunos at 860-486-0473