Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 2/23 Kate Schapira Talk in the Stern Lounge

    Poet, writer, and activist Kate Schapira on Thursday, February 23rd at 12:30 pm in the Stern Lounge, "Plant Lives for Human Lessons: Denaturalizing Human Writing." Coffee & cookies will be served.

    This talk should be of interest to anyone looking for new ways to talk and write about climate change in their scholarly and human (not that those are necessarily mutually exclusive!) lives. It will also be a chance for listeners to increase our imperfect awareness of living relationships, and to bring that increased awareness back to our work. 

    Kate Schapira facilitates a Climate Anxiety Counseling booth in Providence. A recent environmental essay is here, and recent eco-anxiety poems are here

    Schapira is the author of six books and eleven poetry chapbooks. For the past ten years, she has curated the Publicly Complex reading series in Rhode Island, a series that brings writers of intricate poetry and prose to public venues. She teaches in the Nonfiction Writing Program at Brown University, where she was awarded the Barrett Hazeltine Award for excellence in teaching in 2014. 

    For more information, contact: English Department at (860) 486-2141