Special Events

  • Leadership Learning Community Award

    Nominate today!  Check out all award listings at sla.uconn.edu

    Learning Community Leadership Award 

    Award Sponsor: Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities

    Award Background/History:  This award was established in 2015 by the Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities

    Description: This award recognizes a current Learning Community student(s) that has displayed a significant level of, either formal or informal, leadership within their Learning Community.  The recipient(s) is dedicated to supporting the overall mission of the Learning Community Program which prides itself in the holistic education of students in an academic environment while supporting significant opportunity for co-curricular engagement. This recipient(s) has greatly contributed to the success of the Learning Community Program, their individual community as well as considerably impacted the experiences of their peers within their community.

    Eligible Nominees: Full-time Undergraduate Students currently active in a residential Learning Community supported by the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities

    Eligible Campuses: Storrs Campus

    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 1) Nominees must not have been on any form of academic probation during the past two semesters. 2) Nominees must not have been on any form of conduct-related probation during the past two semesters.

    Monetary Award: $500

    For more information, contact: Shari Latif at shari.latif@uconn.edu