Arts and Entertainment

  • 4/3 Submit Art to the Year of Character Art Show

    What does “character” mean to you? How do you build “character”? The Leadership Office is hosting a “Year of Character” Art Exhibit event and we are inviting students to submit artwork to be featured in the exhibit. Reflect on what “character” means to you and express yourself through art! Students can create anything including paintings, photos, poems, etc. Learn more about the “Year of Character” by going to

    If you want to participate go to . We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis. We will email artists shortly after their submission. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

    • All artwork must be able to hang on the walls of the Student Union Art Gallery Rm. 310 (ie. No standing pieces)

    • Artwork cannot protrude more than 6 inches from the wall.

    The art submission form closes at 11:59pm on March 23rd, 2017. All accepted artwork must be dropped off in the Leadership Office in Student Union Rm 302 by 5pm March 29th. We invite all artists and the rest of the campus community to the “Year of Character” Exhibit opening reception on April 3rd from 4pm to 6pm in the Student Union Art Gallery Rm 310. Come enjoy refreshments, view student artwork and reflect on what “character” means to you! Hope to see you there!

    For more information, contact: Barbara Clayton at