
  • Spirer/Dueker Student Humanitarian Award

    Nominate a Student Today for a Student Life Award!

    Spirer/Dueker Student Humanitarian Achievement Award

    Award Sponsor: The Spirer/Dueker Student Humanitarian Achievement Award Fund

    Award Background/History: The award was first given in 1994 and was established by Louise and Herbert Spirer and Marilyn Dueker, retired faculty members from the University of Connecticut-Stamford campus.

    Herbert F. Spirer was a professor emeritus of information management and former director of the MBA program in Stamford.  Marilyn Dueker, was a professor emeritus of statistics also from the Stamford Campus.

    Spirer, whose academic career focused on statistics and information systems, says he came to the field of human rights late in life. In 1985 he began to apply statistical analysis of data to human rights issues; a novel approach at the time

    Spirer and his wife Louise, a UConn alumna, then devoted themselves to the cause. Together with Dueker, they established the Spirer-Dueker Humanitarian Award, given annually to recognize a UConn undergraduate who has performed innovative humanitarian services outside their regular classes.

    Award Description: This award honors an undergraduate student(s) for outstanding contributions to public service.  Recipient(s) will have demonstrated a concern for others that benefits society and impacts positively on his/her personal and professional life.  Recipient(s) will have accomplished/engaged in a valuable public service objective or developed and implemented a useful or original approach to solving a social, governmental or legal problem within the past academic year.

    Eligible Nominees: Full-Time Undergraduate Students

    Eligible Campuses: All Campuses
    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 1) Nominees must not have been on any form of academic probation during the past two semesters. 2) Nominees must not have been on any form of conduct-related probation during the past two semesters.

    Monetary Award: $750

    For more information, contact: Shari Latif at