Special Events

  • First Year Excellence in Innovation Award

    Nominate a student today for a Student Life Award

    First Year Excellence in Innovation Award

    Award Sponsor: Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities

    Award Background/History:  This award was established in 2015 by the Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities.  First Year Excellence in Innovation Award stems from a university-wide initiative to cultivate talent among first year students.  The Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities hopes to engage creative thinkers, innovators and problem solvers in meaningful ways, to help provide students with the tools necessary to be successful in their endeavors.

    Description: This award recognizes a current first year student(s) that has displayed a significant level of innovation and creativity.  The recipient(s) should be currently working on an innovative idea, business, invention or other creative project.  This recipient(s) should be a self-starter and have an impressive level of initiative and insight.

    Eligible Nominees: Full-Time First Year Undergraduate Students

    Eligible Campuses: Storrs Campus

    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 1) Nominees must not have been on any form of academic probation during the past two semesters. 2) Nominees must not have been on any form of conduct-related probation during the past two semesters.

    Monetary Award: $500

    For more information, contact: Shari Latif at shari.latif@uconn.edu