Student Organization Events & Information

  • Protest Against Trump's Executive Orders

    Join us on Wednesday February 1st at 1:30pm at the UConn Student Union Quad to protest President Trump's executive orders. Tell your friends, tell your friends friends, and tell your friends friends friends. #resisTRUMP 

    They told us, “Give him a chance”. They said, “It won’t be that bad”. They promised us, “He won’t do most of what he said he’ll do”. Well, they were wrong. In his first week in office, President Trump has resisted foreign funding for groups that provide abortions, has revived Keystone and DAPL, has withdrawn from the TPP without an attempt at renegotiation, has begun rolling back Obamacare, has moved forward with building his infamous wall, instituted a government-wide hiring freeze, and laid the groundwork for extreme vetting policies that target Muslims with surgical precision, all by executive order. He has instituted a media blackout of government agencies involved in climate change research and has attacked the media for reporting on his “alternative facts”, initiating twin wars on science and the press. If the first week is any indication of the next four years, only relentless resistance from we, the people, can prevent Trump from undermining the very things that made America great in the first place: a strong moral compass, a belief in freedom and justice for all regardless of race, religion, or creed, a commitment to following logic and reason wherever they may lead, and a steadfast faith that tomorrow will be brighter than yesterday. Join us in protest and solidarity, where together we will repudiate the perversion of Donald Trump by laying down an alternative vision for our beautiful country.



    Sponsored by the Muslim Student Association


    For more information, contact: Omar Taweh / Usra Queshri at /