
  • Research with Basketball Fans ($ Prize)

    Hello, Husky Basketball Fans!


    The Experimental Anthropology Lab and The Center for the Ecological Study of Perception and Action are conducting a study with fans of UConn’s basketball teams!

    If you are a fan who regularly watches games of the basketball teams and/or follows the news, you are eligible to participate in our study!

    We are interested in your behavior during the time you attend the home games at Gampel Pavillion (Storrs-CT), or during the time you watch the away games on TV in our lab.

    We will measure your physiological responses using noninvasive technology, and will ask you to fill in some short questionnaires about your experience as a fan.

    As a reward for your participation, you will enter a raffle for 20 prizes of $400 that can help you buy your next season ticket!

    More importantly, sports fans are the driving force behind sporting events. Scientific research can help us understand and improve fans’ experience. We are researchers (and fans ourselves!) motivated by our research interests and our love of sports, and we have no financial or other commitment to any particular team or any for-profit organization. We simply want to understand the experience of fanship!

    Click the link below to read more about this project and to answer our recruitment questionnaire:

    This research was approved by UConn’s Institutional Review Board, which reviews all research involving human subjects to guarantee their ethical treatment. 


    We would like your support!


    For more information, contact: Gabriela/Psychology at