
  • Participation in LifeRhythm Smartphone Study

    Dear Student,


    Please help us advance the state-of-the-art in depression diagnosis: We are seeking participants for a study designed to understand the relationship between human behavior and depression using data collected via smartphones. Your participation would be valuable even if you have no history of depression.


    The research project, entitled “LifeRhythm: A Framework for Automatic and Pervasive Depression Screening Using Smartphones,” is specifically designed to explore the feasibility of automatic and pervasive depression screening using smartphones. A smartphone app will be installed on participants’ smartphones (participants without smartphones may be provided one for the duration of the study). The software will collect sensor and usage data from the phone, which will be securely uploaded to a remote server (with the user’s permission). Users will also be asked to regularly complete a simple depression screening questionnaire.


    Eligibility: English speaking, aged between 18-25 years, enrolled as a full-time student at the University of Connecticut (UConn), living on campus or commuting to campus. Participants do not need to have any history or current symptoms of depression.


    This study will take approximately 8 months to complete. During this time, participants that have current symptoms of depression are required to have brief meetings with a psychiatrist (associated with the study) once or twice per month. A participant will receive $15 Amazon gift card for every two weeks of participation.


    If interested, please contact or 860-486-0582. This study was approved by the UConn IRB, H14-307UCHC.



    Bing Wang

    Associate Professor

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering

    University of Connecticut

    For more information, contact: Dr. Bing Wang at