Fraternity and Sorority Events

  • 2/1 Kappa Phi Lambda Recruitment

    Interested in joining a cultural sorority?

    Kappa Phi Lambda (ΚΦΛ) Sorority, Inc. is an organization that takes pride in its members and their strive to be future leaders. Unlike other organizations on campus, Kappa Phi Lambda pushes its members to accept cultural diversity and emphasizes the importance of sisterhood and service. Not only do our sisters build a bond with each other, but with the campus and the Asian-American community that we serve. We are unique and multifaceted; we blend the scope of a cultural group with the values of a Greek organization and the dedication of a philanthropic/service-driven initiative.

     Kappa Phi Lambda is an Asian-Interest sorority NOT Asian exclusive

    All events are FREE and NON-BINDING

    We'll be having events all week!

    Visit the Event Page here: 

    Contact Us!

    Facebook: UConn Kappas

    Instagram: UConnKPL


    xoxo, kappas <3

    For more information, contact: Jessica Soares at 2032188884