Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • 12/5 Spin Health Education's Spa Wheel

    This time of year can be stressful for students with papers, finals, and projects due. Next week, from December 5th-9th, Health Education will be hosting a Spa Wheel to help students de-stress and enjoy some well-deserved time for themselves! Spin the Spa Wheel, answer a question about healthy stress reduction, and win a spa- related prize! Prizes include a free gift card for a 60-minute massage, eye pillows, mindfulness jars, and body scrubs. The wheel will be up on Monday, December 5th-9th from 9am-5pm. Visitors can spin once per day.

    Follow Health Education on social media to find out what is going on in the office and when we are doing giveaways.

    Facebook: UConn Health Education Office

    Twitter: Capt_condom

    Instagram: Capt_condom

    Snapchat: Capt_condom

    For more information, contact: Joleen Nevers at