Special Events

  • Tonight: UConn French Club - Poetry Night

    Ever wanted to watch hilarious comedy, incredible poetry, or beautiful singing. Here's your chance as the UConn French Club will be having its annual Poetry Night on November 30th, 2015 at 6:00-8:00pm in the SU North Lobby.

    This time we are opening it for the public as anyone (French speaking or not) can now be able to watch. This year's poetry night will be featuring singers, written performances, stand-up comedy, cinema, and more. 

    There will be catering and members of the French Department will be attendance, so don't be afraid to meet with some of the faculty and graduate students!

    *The challenge for all performers is the following: Perform an act/poem/song/skit about "HOME". 

    For more information, contact: UCONN French Club at uconnfrenchclub@gmail.com