Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 11/30 Info Session on Applied & Resource Economics

    Hey Huskies!
    Interested in economics applied to food systems, poverty, and the environment? Do you have a passion for sustainable development? Do any of these concentrations strike your fancy:
    • International Development
    • Marketing & Business Management
    • Environmental Economics & Policy 
    If so... major in Applied & Resource Economics (ARE)! 
    The Applied & Resource Economics department will be holding an information session TODAY in the Student Union Art Gallery (SU 310), from 1pm-2pm. 
    We will be discussing ARE concentrations, internship opportunities, and study abroad programs relevant to ARE. We will conclude with a Q&A session led by a panel of ARE students & professors. (Also- pizza will be served!)
    This event is open to all students, so feel free to bring a friend that may be interested in the major as well. See you in 2 hours! 
    For more information, contact: Carina Immer at 203-727-7595