Special Events

  • 11/16 Town Hall Meeting on Fees

    TO:                         University Community

     FROM:                  Scott A. Jordan, Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer

                                    Mun Choi, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

                                    Michael Gilbert, Vice President for Student Affairs

     SUBJ:                     Town Hall Meetings on Fees – November 16 @ 12pm and 5pm

    The university community is invited to attend open forums regarding the university’s draft proposed fee rates for the 2017-2018 academic year. The forums will include discussions and information regarding student fees, academic fee based program changes, and room and board rates. The university proposal will later be submitted to the UConn Board of Trustees for its consideration.

     Two of these open forums have been scheduled; the presentations given at both will be identical. They will be held:

    • Wednesday, November 16 @ 12pm in the Dodd Center’s Konover Auditorium

    • Wednesday, November 16 @ 5pm in ITE C80

    At the meetings, the university will present its draft proposal which would apply to students at the Storrs and Regional Campuses. The purpose of the forums is to solicit questions and comments from the university community regarding UConn’s proposal.   

    If community members are unable to attend in person, both meetings will be livestreamed.

    The 12PM meeting will be livestreamed at:


     The 5PM meeting will be livestreamed at: https://mediasite.dl.uconn.edu/Mediasite/Play/c79bee682ec64da8bcb329d1249d7e771d

    We look forward to your participation.

    For more information, contact: Office of the Executive Vice President for Admin & CFO at EVPACFO@UCONN.EDU