Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/16 USG Senate Meeting @ 6:30p

    The Legislative branch of the Undergraduate Student Government is the USG Senate. The purpose of the Senate is to closely represent the views and ideas of the 16,000+ students here at the University of Connecticut.

    The Senate is composed of over 60 elected senators, each serving a one-year term. Every student at UConn is represented by multiple senators. The Residential and Commuter senators elected in the Fall represent students by their geographic living areas on or off campus. The Academic senators elected in the Spring represent academic colleges. Additionally, there are Multicultural and Diversity Senators elected at-large.

    Senate meetings are held every other Wednesday evening in the Student Union Ballroom at 6:30 pm. All meetings are open to the public. Students are encouraged to attend, and may express concerns during Public Comment. This time is specifically designed as an open forum for students to address the senators who represent them, or to speak to the body as a whole. Administrators and other public university officials are encouraged to attend Senate when decisions by their departments will affect students.

    For more information, contact: George P. Wang at