Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/7 USG External Affairs Meeting at 2:00pm

    The External Affairs Committee is one of six committees in the Undergraduate Student Government that is responsible for issues outside of the University campus including all local, state, and national matters. We represent student opinion through relationships with leaders from the Connecticut General Assembly and the Town of Mansfield, among others. Our members work to help preserve state funding for institutions of higher education, keep the cost of a UConn education affordable, help students exercise their voting rights, and maintain a positive relationship with the surrounding community. We also collaborate with student governments at other universities throughout Connecticut.

    External Affairs meets at 2p every Monday in SU 304C. No experience or dues necessary to join; come at any point in the semester to have your voice heard and to help others find theirs!

    For more information, contact: Haley Hinton at