Student Organization Events & Information

  • 11/7 USG Student Development Meeting at 3:30pm

    The Student Development Committee is one of six committees in the Undergraduate Student Government that is dedicated to the cultures brought to campus by students and the overarching spirit of UConn. In order to cultivate a deep sense of pride that extends beyond a student’s tenure at this University, Student Development works to help students realize the importance of diversity, sports and interest clubs, and continued work for social education on campus. Advocacy work concentrates on increased visibility of the students associated with these groups and issues as well as campaigns for university consciousness in relation to them.

    Student Development meets at 3:30p every Monday in SU 218. No experience or dues necessary to join; come at any point in the semester to have your voice heard and to help others find theirs!

    For more information, contact: Alyssa Crooks at