Fraternity and Sorority Events

  • 11/7 Mr. Burgundy & Grey

    Who will be this year’s Mr.Burgundy & Grey? An annual pageant held by the Kappa Chapter of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc., contestants will be judged on personality, talent, LTA history, and more! Watch them the gentlemen battle it out for the crown and 200 dollars!

    Date: Monday, November 7th at 6:30 PM. Doors Open at 6PM.

    Price: 5 dollars (tickets can be bought at the door or before hand at

    Can’t make it? Please donate to our Paving the Way Scholarship ( All proceeds from the pageant go to fund our Paving the Way Scholarship; a scholarship that will help an underrepresented woman pursue higher education.


    For more updates and to vote on Mr. Congeniality,  like our event page at


    For more information, contact: Katherine Eud at