
  • Homelessness/Poverty in CT

    The Agricultural and Resource Economics department is currently looking for student volunteers to help with a new project on Homelessness and Poverty in Connecticut.  Have you ever wondered what causes poverty in one of the wealthiest states in the country?  Or perhaps why the poor are poor?  Professor Nathan Fiala in the ARE department is launching a new project that seeks to answer these questions.  Partnered with ACESS in Willimantic, as a student volunteer, you will have an opportunity to conduct surveys with some of the poorest individuals in the area.  Apart from the opportunity to gain research experience, you will contribute to a cause aimed at finding answers to create statewide impact.  The commitment is flexible, and most of the surveys will be conducted towards the end of this semester and throughout the winter break.  Come join our cause to make a difference here in CT.  

    For more information, contact: Professor Nathan Fiala at