Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • What Health Education Office offers

    The Health Education Office provides students with free resources related to sexual health and stress management.


    For sexual health, our office provides free safer sex supplies including abstinence kits, dental dams, condoms, and lubrication.


    For relaxation, visit our Relaxation Station which provides Shiatsu massage chairs, full body massage chairs, and plush pillows for a quiet place to relax. Earplugs and relax packs are also offered. Free tissues and hand sanitizer are also available on the table outside our office.


    Events: The Health Education Office hosts Time-Out Tuesday including pet therapy, coloring and ukulele lessons, Massage Therapy and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing throughout the semester. Visit our website: for a list of events that our office will host this semester.


    Looking for a place to unwind? Visit our Relaxation Station which provides Shiatsu massage chairs, full body massage chairs, and plush pillows for a quiet place to relax.


    The Health Education Office is located in Wilson Hall Room 125 and is open from 9am-7pm Monday through Thursday and 9am-5pm on Friday.


    Follow Health Education on social media to find out what is going on in the office and when we are doing giveaways.

    Facebook: UConn Health Education Office

    Twitter: Capt_condom

    Instagram: Capt_condom

    Snapchat: Capt_condom

    For more information, contact: Joleen Nevers at