Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 11/3 First Year Experience Writing Center Event

    Dear First Year Experience Students,


    On Thursday, November 3rd between 4 and 7pm, the Writing Center will be hosting a First Year Experience (FYE) Blast at the Austin Writing Center Location – Austin 159. This drop-in event will be a perfect opportunity for you to work in collaboration with a writing consultant on your FYE summary and reflection essays. We have plenty of tutors on board for this event, so please do visit us for this event which will satisfy the Writing Center requirement for the summary and reflection assignment. This is a drop-in event, so there is no need to RSVP or make an appointment.


    In short:

    • FYE Writing Center Event
    • Thursday, November 3rd
    • Between 4 and 7pm
    • In Austin 159
    • Stop on by! 



    The UConn University Writing Center Staff

    For more information, contact: University Writing Center at (860) 486-4387