Campus Information

  • Register to Vote in the Presidential Election

    Dear Students,

    As you know, Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day.

    Please note that if you are a student living on campus or live off campus elsewhere in the town of Mansfield you are eligible to register to vote in Mansfield. Here are a few things you should keep in mind:

    • If you would like to register or change your voting address from your hometown to Mansfield and you have a DMV-issued identification you can do everything online at Otherwise, follow that URL for other easy options on how to register to vote. 
    • Paper registration forms (in English and Spanish) are available at the iCenter in Wilbur Cross Building. The deadline to register is November 1.
    • The state of Connecticut now allows for "Election Day" registration (EDR). However, it is highly recommended that you register in advance to avoid long lines on Election Day. Any student who lives in Mansfield, including on campus, who wishes to register to vote or change their registration should report to the Council Chamber of the Audrey P. Beck Building (Mansfield Town Hall) at 4 South Eagleville Road on Election Day. This is located next to EO Smith High School, at the corner of Route 195 and South Eagleville Road.

     By law, Election Day registration voters must complete the registration process by 8 PM, so please go as early as possible.

    • In order to register, you will need to bring your UConn ID, driver's license, or another form of identification like a birth certificate or Social Security card. If the form of identification does not also include proof of  your Mansfield residential address, you must present a preprinted document with the residential address, such as a current college registration or fee statement, lease, tax bill, paycheck, or utility bill due no later than 30 days after the election. However, please remember that you will save a lot of time by registering in advance of November 1.
    For more information, contact: Mansfield Registrar of Voters at