Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/14 Deadline to Register: Reverse STEM Fair

    The STEM Scholar Community and Honors in STEM organization are hosting an outreach event for high school students from East Hartford called the Reverse STEM Fair.

    Who: Calling all UConn students

    What: To present an innovative and creative STEM project to high school students to inspire them to work in a STEM field.

    Where: SU Ballroom

    When: Thursday, November 10th from 4-6PM

    Do you have a favorite childhood experiment you want to reproduce? Are you currently tinkering with something in your dorm room that is waiting to make its debut? Then this is the time to show it off! We are looking for individuals or groups from any STEM field to present to high school students at our Reverse STEM Fair. All that we ask is that part of your project is interactive, and that it can be understood by a high school audience. Amazon gift cards will be awarded to the winning projects!

    The deadline to register to present at this event is FRIDAY OCTOBER 14TH by 11:59PMThe form for registration can be found here.

    Check out this presentation for more information!

    For more information, contact: Eric Burfeind at