Cultural Center Events

  • 10/5 IMPAACT: Want to be a Student Workshop Presenter?

    Pan-Asian Council or PAC is looking for student workshop presenters for the 2016 IMPAACT Conference to talk about topics of cultural identity, professionalism, self-improvement, and/or academic related topics.

    The Identifying the Missing Power of Asian Americans In Connecticut Conference or IMPAACT began in 2006 as a catalyst to empower students in their individual journeys of self-development, identity development, and leadership skills. The conference is an opportunity for student leaders to network with one another at the University of Connecticut to foster collaboration and solidarity. The theme of the conference is "Building a Better You", whether it is in the workforce, academically, or personally .

    If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit the application below. Applications to be a workshop presenter are due on October 5th at 12 PM. The IMPACCT Conference itself will be held on Saturday November 12, 2016 from 8am-6pm in the Student Union.


    For more information, contact: Monique Mai at